...to lead people into a life-changing walk with Jesus Christ
People changed by Jesus Christ to love, serve, and welcome others to Him.
Join us for worship! (Directions)
Sunday Bible Class 9 AM
Sunday Morning Worship 10 AM
Wednesday Night 7 PM
on YouTube and Facebook
Adult Bible Class 9 AM
Worship 10 AM
Wednesday Night Live 7 PM
Music Ministry
Worship Minister: Dean Willis

The Music Ministry at Pleasant Ridge Church is led by our worship minister, Dean Willis. At each service, we have some of our members who use a microphone to balance the singing during worship. We are always looking for people who would like to participate in this ministry. If you are interested, please email Dean Willis.


The music mInistry also consists of The Ridge Tones. This is a choir outside of our usual worship times which learns choral music and performs at the church building several times a year, as well as performances in the community such as nursing homes and retirement centers.
The Ridge Tones are an un-auditioned choir, and all voices are welcome. We meet at the church building on Monday nights throughout the year from 6:30 – 8:00. If you are interested in joining The Ridge Tones, please fill out this form.