...to lead people into a life-changing walk with Jesus Christ
People changed by Jesus Christ to love, serve, and welcome others to Him.
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Sunday Bible Class 9 AM
Sunday Morning Worship 10 AM
Wednesday Night 7 PM
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Adult Bible Class 9 AM
Worship 10 AM
Wednesday Night Live 7 PM
Youth Ministry
Our Mission & Vision
Your students are getting to the age where they are experiencing many new things. New freedoms they’ve never had, new feelings they’ve never felt, and new challenges that they’ve never faced before. We want to partner with you by teaching them the Way that leads to life that is only found in following the footsteps of Jesus.
My prayer for them is that every activity, lesson, service, and relationship that they have through their time in the youth group will point them to The Good Shepherd, who leads us to green pastures, still waters, and through the darkest valleys. (Psalm 23;John 10:14-18)
We are Followers First
So much of our culture today focuses on developing people who are good leaders. While leadership is an important quality worth aspiring to, it is not our ultimate goal. We are called to be followers of Jesus first.​
It is always important to keep in mind that as we lead, both inside and outside of the church, we are still operating in submission to Christ. We don’t do this out of fear, but in response to God’s love for us! If we can adopt this posture, He will do mighty things through us! “Apart from Him, we can do nothing” (John 15:5-8)

The Youth Group meets for class each Sunday morning at 9 AM and every Wednesday night at 7 PM. We also have two retreats per year, lots of Bible studies and fun events. Our summers are packed with opportunities to fellowship, have fun and serve. We attend two camps, participate in mission trips and plan other activities such as baseball outings and camping trips. Every October, we have The Chase, which is a pumpkin hunt with fun prizes.
We serve our community and congregation through outreach and service activities. We also participate in church-wide events such as Vacation Bible School, Leadership Training for Christ and Christmas on the Ridge.
For more information, please email Connor Newsom. We would love to meet you and welcome you into our group!